
In the sacrament of baptism, the catechumen becomes part of the crucified, resurrected, and glorified Christ, experiencing a rebirth to partake in Divine life. Through the three-fold immersion in the waters of Baptism in the Name of the Holy Trinity, one dies to the old ways of sin and is born to a new life in Christ.

Baptism, together with chrismation and the reception of the Eucharist incorporates humanity into the Church, the Body of Christ, being this our introduction to the life of the Holy Trinity.

The baptismal service begins with a series of exorcisms, during which the person being baptised renounces the devil and the fallen world, then confessing their Christian faith and desire to join themselves to Jesus Christ. In the case of infant baptisms, this renunciation and confession are made by the godparent on the child’s behalf. After this, after the priest has blessed the waters, the candidate is anointed with olive oil — a symbol of reconciliation (see Genesis 8) and mercy —and is then immersed three times ‘in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’. The three immersions into the water symbolise Christ’s three-day burial, while the coming out of the water symbolises His resurrection. At this point, as the Church fathers teach, the font becomes both a tomb and a womb — we die and are born again, united with Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

After this, the newly baptised is clothed in a white robe — ‘for as many of you as were baptised into Christ have put on Christ’ (Galatians 3:27) — and is anointed with holy chrism to mark their reception of the Holy Spirit. After this, the newly baptised circles the font three times, holding a lit candle as a sign of their enlightenment. After the reading of the Holy Gospel, the service finishes with the tonsure, when the hair of the newly baptised is cut crosswise as a symbol of a life of sacrifice — for God and our fellow man — which should be the hallmark of every Christian.  

A person's initiation into the Church reaches its fulfilment upon receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist (refer to the entry on Holy Communion).

How can I book a Baptism?

If you wish to book a baptism, please get in touch with us by clicking the Contact Us tab, or email us directly.

Before a Baptism

First day — on the day of birth (if safe and practicable) a priest will visit the hospital/home in order to say prayers of thanksgiving and for the safety of mother and child.

Eighth day — on the eighth day, the child should be brought to church in order to formally receive their name.

Fortieth day — the fortieth day marks the mother’s formal return to church after childbirth. Prayers are read over the mother, and the child is ‘presented’ to God by being carried up to the doors of the Sanctuary and before the icons on the templon.

Who can be a Godparent?

The title "godparent" implies a significant role in aiding the spiritual development of a child. Therefore, it is crucial that potential godparents are devout and engaged members of the Orthodox Church who fully comprehend the spiritual duties associated with this significant responsibility. They are eligible to be selected from any canonical parish or jurisdiction. However, only Orthodox Christians in good standing with the church can exercise this duty.

What do I need on the Baptism day?

At the baptism, you should bring with you:

  1. A cross to be worn around the neck of the newly baptised;

  2. New clothes (ideally white) to be worn after baptism — an adult will often wear a white robe or dress;

  3. A large towel for the person being baptised, and a small hand towel for the priest;

  4. A myropáni, a large sheet roughly the same size as the towel;

  5. A bottle of olive oil;

  6. A white candle (lampáda).

  7. The child’s birth certificate and, ideally, the godparent’s certificate of baptism.

Christening shops will often sell ready-made sets containing the above items.